We have just embarked on two exciting fundraising campaigns, but we need your help! Camp Triumph Would not be possible without fundraising initiatives that we carry out through the year. This ensures that we can continue to offer our camp free of charge to all campers! As well we hope to continue to expand the number of weeks through the summer that we offer so that we can fill the need of the many children across Canada who have a family member with a chronic illness or disability. 

It is easy to help out...

1) Vote for our idea in the CST Inspired Minds Learning Project.

- To vote the first time you must register an account here: http://learningproject.cst.org

- Click on “Register” on the left side and follow the steps;

- Then go to our idea: http://learningproject.cst.org/ideas/264 and vote every day  between May 20 and June 2 (sharing on Twitter and Facebook earns extra votes). 

2) Donate whatever amount you can to our crowdfunding campaign:https://www.giveffect.org/campaigns/327-the-next-generation-of-camp-triumph

3) Share these campaigns with your network.

THANKS!! You can make an incredible difference in the lives of children!

AuthorJordan Sheriko